Security guard ‘slapped’ by ghosts at housing area
Monday July 27, 2009
A security guard was reported to have been slapped by ghosts in Port Dickson. It said S. Albert 32, was making his rounds of bungalow houses in Taman Indah Mas at about 5.30am on Friday when he heard noises coming from a vacant unit.
He shone his torchlight through the window and was shocked to see mysterious white figure with red eyes and long hair. Albert ran to the guards control room and informs his colleague who told him that his face had scratch marks and was bleeding.
Residents, who got wind of the incident, gathered batons and sticks to check the empty bungalow but found nothing suspicious. Policemen later broke the locks to enter the bungalow and found nothing unusual.
The crowd was left stunned when the scratch marks on Albert’s face disappeared the moment he washed it with water.
The sighting of the mysterious figure does bear resemblance to the previous article I posted on the 9th July 2009 ‘Don’t Come In My Place’, whereby construction workers had seen a mysterious being with blood shot eyes and sharp teeth.
This cunning and sinister creature is commonly known to many as the Pontianak/Kuntilanak. Here are some details of the Pontianak:

Pontianak usually announces its presence through baby cries or usually disguising itself as a beautiful young lady to attract its victim (usually male). Its presence sometimes can be detected by a nice floral fragrance of the ‘kemboja’ (a type of flower) followed by an awful stench afterwards. The cries of a Pontianak are very tricky. The Malays believe that if the cry is soft means that the Pontianak is near and if it is loud then it must be far.
Pontianak kills its victims by digging into their stomachs with its sharp fingernails and devouring their organs. In some cases where the Pontianak desires revenge against a male individual, it rips out the sex organs with its hands. It is believed that Pontianaks locate prey by sniffing out clothes left outside to dry. For this reason, some Malays refuse to leave any object of clothing outside.
People believe that having a sharp object like a nail helps them fend off potential attacks by Pontianak, the nail being used to plunge a hole at the back of the Pontianak's neck. It is believed that when a nail is plunged into the back of a Pontianak's neck, she will turn into a beautiful woman, until the nail is pulled off again. The Indonesian twist on this is plunging the nail into the apex of the head of the Kuntilanak.
Pontianak is associated with banana trees, and its spirit is said to reside in them during the day.
Hence, in any case you do experience any of the above symptoms indicating the presence of a Pontianak nearby, you can either choose to take a nail and drive it into the hole at the back of its head (if you happen to have a nail or if you can manage to flip it over while it is furiously ripping out your organs), or you can choose to run the Hell away for your life!